Hobby Goals 2021

So since it seems to be the thing to do, I guess we should have some hobby goals! This blog started as a way to get us painting out backlogs, and what better way than shared shame…(Brother Handro: “Don’t you dare use that gif again….”)…Lets see what we want to achieve…

Brother Handro


1: Titans!

If there’s one thing I’ve fallen in love with in the last few years it’s Adeptus Titanicus. (Owning, not playing, apparently…) I just can’t get enough of that not-quite Epic-scale goodness. Expect more legios than you can shake a rangefinder at!


2: Clones!

If there’s another thing I’ve got into, it’s Star Wars Legion! Although I love all the factions, I’m a big fan of the Republic so expect to see me wade through my clones painting white and various unit markings…we may even learn how to play it properly!…(Der HEasy now, tiger…’)

3: zone mortalis!

By which I obviously mean His Imperial Majesty’s Most Glorious Fists…(Der H mutters something about iron cages under his breath..) Der H has been chugging away at his magnificent ZM board and the classic match-up of Iron Warriors versus Imperial Fists will be a suitably fitting clash for this deadly stage….


4: World Eaters!

Do you hear the voices too?! (Der H ‘sanity is for the weak!’) I’ve long harboured a dark ambition to do at least some justice to this famously annoying-to-paint legion. The core of the force is built, now I just need to muster the courage…


5: Orkses!

Hey remember when I bought a whole Ork army around the beginning of 8th Ed? Yeah….Der H wants to do Gorkamorka, and I do love a good mechanised infantry theme…alright I’ll do it!

Der H


1: …I mean, titans i guess….

Brother Handro has been suggesting (Der H “Strongly….”) that I should paint my titans for some time…they are all currently gun metal with shading and have panels in various stages of completeness. We bought in HARD at the start, and each have a grand master edition jsut waiting to be played…Legion Fureans is, as such, my number 1 completion for this year!

2021-01-06 13.52.37.jpg

2: Death korps of krieg

Ok, this one is serious….its been here looking at me forever it seems! I’ve expanded it with some tanks, two bombards, a minotaur, and 10 OOP renegade ogryn. I have lists on battlescribe, I have fluff and a theme….but none painted….this shall not pass!


3: Oak and iron

Yet another Kickstarter I hit HARD in the last few years. Duplicate of everything they make has been sat unpainted for a long time. It did get a coat of white (Brother Handro “wow….easy there…dont want to peak at a Golden Daemon too soon”) in 2020, but nothing since. Citadel contrast paints seem to be the way to go, and they’ve been bought and ready for some time too. Thy need to get finished! I have started this already, so its jsut a matter of motivation, dedication and strict attention to…oh look, SWL…


4: Zone Mortalis

Yea we both need this…I bought the board on LCtB last year whilst waiting for my FRCA Ceremony! (Der H “My wallet hasnt recovered”) It is mostly painted except for details and stencils. a few good sessions and we’ll be done…..now….where did that ZM door STL file go…


5: Play some games

Ok, ok this one is a pipe dream….but COVID-19 has had a wide range of effects. My professional life has certainly changed! like all of us I miss gaming; I miss events (I think…) and I miss playing games with my buddy! 2021 WILL change this and we’ll be sick of learning when to brace for impact (and what game that even is…) again before too long…