
…and following on from Saturday’s post, here we go; Psychic Orb suppression spikes…..


I recently had a message asking:

Do you have any other Retributors models from the Astartes shorts?

I'm planning a Retributors Kill Team/Combat Patrol squad and there are still a few parts that I can find for it. Like the Knife, Helmet variant, Backpack and the Storage Pack that the spikes that are stabbed into the orb are stored in.


I made versions with the internal spike withdrawn and deployed, and then thought…this needs hands…


As the main unit is symmetrical, right hands can be made with a simple mirror in your slicing software of choice. I previous made Weapons available here and the Sphere available here. These were both quite popular, with 144 and 41 downloads respectively.


I’ve included a WIP of a backpack to carry the spikes - it currently only holds 3. The animation has it holding 5 but i made it ‘heroic scale’ so it can be identified in 28mm, as such, perhaps two people in an Impulsor Kill Team need to carry them.

Let us know your thoughts!

What a month!

Wow that was hard…

Due to rota escalations, de-escalations and a few minor cock-ups Der H has just finished 18 consecutive days working. (Brother Handro: “What’s my excuse!?”)

Hobby has occurred, but less than usual.

What have we been up to?

The ZM campaign progress continues, Brother Handro has pushed on with his Imperial Fists:

Whilst Der H has broken the back of the building for his Breacher Bonanza of Iron Warriors:

A little 3D printing later has a squad of Heavy Destroyers from the Mournival Events book magnetised to be regular terminators:

Zone Mortalis doors, a long coveted item, have also been sourced - HB-3D skills FTW:

The prints need tidying up, but they work!

Changes to Astartes


Previously, Der H made some 3D parts for the Retributors from the independent animation “Astartes”. For those that haven’t seen it, (Der H: “…and why not!”) please go and check it out. This is a great move toward GW embracing the fans who flesh out the world, and potentially a move away from “mobilise the legal team” (Brother Handro: “give em hell!”). Also that Iron Warrior looks awesome!

Weapons available here and the Sphere available here. These were both quite popular, with 144 and 41 downloads respectively.


Since the change from Independent to being part of the Warhammer Communtiy page here Der H received a message on thingiverse asking for some new parts:


Do you have any other Retributors models from the Astartes shorts?

I'm planning a Retributors Kill Team/Combat Patrol squad and there are still a few parts that I can find for it. Like the Knife, Helmet variant, Backpack and the Storage Pack that the spikes that are stabbed into the orb are stored in.


Guess we’ll have to wait and see…

HB-3D: Escort madness!

Der H: “An hour to kill on a Saturday….guess Ill make some escorts!”

There was a comment on one of the BFG facebook groups recently about the lack of Chaos transports…This can not continue!

honestly, anything that's cool/modular but not a ship itself - or even the smaller system ships/ships we rarely see. Lots and lots of escorts and Cruisers have already been built/rebuilt. What we need are chaotic system ships, chaotic fireships, Eldar mines, Eldar transports, etc. Less of the "Standards".

My Transport Builder has been online for a little while now, and it gives a range of parts for various ships, but I hadn’t realised the Q-Ships, Armed Freighters, escort carriers and similar did not yet have dedicated models. Eldar transport have two beautiful option here and here.


On Monday ill be posting a blog post to describe the process of 3D Kitbashing, but for now take a look at the range of new creations for BFG on Cults3d or Thingiverse.

Of particular note are the Chaos transports: there are two versions of each of standard and fuel Transport and Heavy transport, Troop & Heavy Troop and armed freighter.

In addition there is a Q-Ship, a Fireship, an escort carrier and an armed freighter!

I plan on working on some mines, some Chaos Fireships, a Chaos escort carrier - different from the Insanity Class - and perhaps some small system ships….but lets see what happens…

…oh….and this is a thing….

RT_Supply Barge.PNG

New website features...

New year….sort of new site

Brother Handro: “I mean, its not really new…”

Der H: “Meh…”

In 2021 we decided to accept certain things:

1) Instagram is where the hobby is…

2) We don’t use some features here

3) We want to have this site as a place to put blog posts

4) Out wall of shame is so out of date it isn’t even funny

As such, here are some current, and some proposed, changes :

1) The gallery

Screenshot_2021-01-20 Instagram Gallery — The Hobby Butterflies.png

The old gallery was a random collection of "some pictures” rather than what we’re actually doing! The new Gallery page has our last 20 posts as a grid, with links to our pages. That’s it. Gallery done…

2) The home page

Screenshot_2021-01-20 The Hobby Butterflies(2).png

This was a little tweak rather than anything else. The search bar is now up top, and the last 5 posts below. There is still the link to older posts, and the format here has also changed…

3) The Archive

Screenshot_2021-01-20 Blog-Archive — The Hobby Butterflies.png

This was previously an endless (Brother Handro: “Dont flatter yourself…”) list of previous posts, but now it is by month and year…much easier!

4) The wall of shame

This hasnt changed, yet….we need to take inventory…..this might take a while…

5) About us…

For now this will stay, until we find a better use for it!

6) Hot links bar

The links section has been tweaked as well: we have more of them!

Screenshot_2021-01-20 The Hobby Butterflies(1).png

From left to right we have THB Instagram, Brother Handros Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, YouTube, Cults 3D, and Thingiverse…..quite a list of socials….we arn’t on TikTok…don’t ask (Brother Handro: “Are we really ‘on’ YouTube”)

7) HB-3D

This is a recent re-branding of Der H’s 3D kitbashing…for more details, check out the links, or the blog post here.

That’s about it I think….Let us know if you particularly like, or dislike, anything. Stay tuned for more Hobby Butterflies madness!


“Yea, so we make 3D stuff now…”

Back in March of 2020 (Brother Handro: “As if that is nearly a year ago…”) Der H bought a 3D printer….this is clearly not in line with the plan to paint things, rather than build things. What printer?…


…an Elegoo Mars of course (Just like everyone else!)

This thing is a beauty; easy to use, and affordable. Since then there have been two updates, namely the Mars Pro and the Mars 2. Lots of quality of life features but a very similar user experience!


Everyone starts with the rook! There is one hell of a learning curve though - hence the sub-par cleaning here! Over the next month or so I will be doing a few guides, reviews, or thoughts on 3D printing to help those new to the art, and direct your attentions to far more knowledgeable people than us!

This post isn’t going to cover ‘how to do it’, (Der H “That might follow!”) but instead is here to introduce our (Brother Handro: “well, your…”) latest attempts to avoid painting: The Hobby Butterflies 3D, or HB-3D for short!

Our creations are available on Thingiverse or on Cults 3D, all for free (Der H “For now….Bwahahah!”) and all files should be on each site - for your convenience! Although I’m not a great digital sculptor, I have a knack for 3D kitbashing (Der H: “note that down for a future article!!”) and making things that perhaps don’t exist anymore, with a few golden oldies below!

Below is a teaser of what we offer, between a few categories!

Battlefleet Gothic/Battlefleet Heresy

BFG (and now BFH) is the thing that got my back into playing tabletop wargames (Brother Handro: “Wasn’t it technically Space Hulk…” Der H “Don’t say its name! It can hear you….”) and was the topic of a few early posts. Over on Facebook there a few groups and a particular document call the Additional Ships Compendium v2.0 (ASC v2.0) by the great Evan…stoked to see some gorgeous ships that didn’t yet exists I thought….I can make those…the result was the Tempest Class Strike Frigate and the Governor Class Grand Cruiser. Since then I’ve made a number for BFG ships, and even some old OOP FW models…

40k and 30K

Our main game is of course 30k, with some 40k dalliances, and so I have started making a few parts to suit those lines…not much yet, but more to come!

Other Stuff - AKA Blood and Plunder!

Some stuff just doesn’t fit into any one box…mostly because its for pirate games! This sculpt is the distraction/decoy made by Captain Aubrey in the film Master and Commander. No rules in game (Der H “But seriously check out Blood and Plunder….it’s amazing!) but we'll find a use for it!

Out of print - Back from the dead!

Some of my designs are my take on OOP designs from a certain large company. These are across a few systems, but are there to try and support our hobby and fill the gap left by their loss. I’m hoping to get more designs in this category going forward!