March 2022 - Pledge - COMPLETE

Here’s to another rush to cross the line! An ambitious month for each of us, but behold our progress!

Brother handro


A pretty straightforward job, only issue being attaching the doors post-paint and gloss…


Didn't even see the tabletop, but I did get 3 extra finished for that sacred Khornate 8 blessing…


Really pleased with how these boys came out. Unfortunately as a big unit of 9 on the table they were seen as a threat and got absolutely minced by turn 2. Every. Single. Game. Sigh…

Der H

1) Finish the Legion Xiphon

Although I’m saying finished, I would like to do some oil work still, but close enough!

2) Primaris Lightning Strike Fighter

As well as oils, this beasty needs some kill markers! A skull per vehicle I feel is appropriate….or perhaps I make some transfers of vehicles to have as its victims…so late to the party, heres hoping for HH2.0!

3) Cataphractii Legion Librarian

The Cataphractii Librarian, long in my cupboard, is yet to be used! The ZM missions being two tables out of perhaps 16 at Company of Legends meant no terminator action for Der H…so many models, so little point!

4) 5 Cataphractii Legion Terminators

Poor little guys….didnt even see table top…It has inspired me to push and and paint my cataphractii warmonger!

5) 5 Tartaros Lightning Claw Terminators

Perhaps another day!

6) 15 MKii Assault Marines, with MKii Apothecary

Until my Game 4, against Mike’s knight list (see Company of Legends game 4!), these guys did nothing. They did however melta-bomb several knights and in game 5 they held their own against a Blood Angels assault squad!

7) 3 Militia/Krieg Rapier Laser Destroyers

These guys were quick and dirty, fitting for the Krieg!

8) Bonus points!

There was, unfortunately, no chance for these critters this month! Planned for April I suppose!